Gastroenterology pocket

by Focus Medica India Pvt. Ltd


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The Division of Gastroenterology and Hematology of the University of Baltimore, Maryland has developed the Gastroenterology pocket app to help practitioners better manage patients with digestive disorders, in both the inpatient and outpatient settings. Gastroenterology fellows, medical residents, general practitioners and other healthcare providers working with this patient population may use this app as a quick reference resource and training tool.The content covers numerous topics in gastroenterology and hematology, including the latest diagnostic and management concepts, in a concise manner optimized for use as a rapid reference at the bedside.The app uses an innovative, elegant and intuitive user interface. Features include a unique and customized design, gesture-based navigation, bookmarking and annotation support, indexed text searching, and support for SD card backups. Other highlights include:- Based on the latest clinical practice guidelines from leading organizations such as the AGA, as well as expert guidance from over 20 gastroenterologist authors- Organized in concise and easy-to follow tables, lists and illustrations for rapid access to information- Numerous algorithms which provide summary reviews of important diagnostic and management topics- Includes imaging examples, a GI drug guide, laboratory reference values, medical formulas and other useful information- Tables, figures, and treatment algorithms are included appropriately to summarize key concepts.Features of the app include:• Bookmarking• Annotation• Indexed and full text search• History